Articles Listed in PERSI

Read more about Dr. Bodo Otto. The following articles are listed in the PERIodical Source Index (PERSI) compiled by the Allen County Public Library, Ft Wayne, IN.

Periodical: Gloucester County Historical Society Bulletin PERSI Code: NJGB

Article Title: Bodo Otto House, History, New Jersey
Volume: 3 Number: 7 (March, 1953)

Article Title: Bodo Otto, Smallpox Inoculation, New Jersey, 1775
Volume: 7 Number: 8 (June, 1961)

Periodical: Historical Review of Berks County PERSI Code: PAHR

Article Title: Bodo Otto (Dr.), Ger., Pennsylvania
Volume: 2 Number: I (October, 1936)

Article Title: Bodo Otto (Dr.), Berks Co., Pennsylvania
Volume: 27 Number: I (Winter, 1961)

Article Title: Bodo Otto (Dr.), Berks Co., Pennsylvania
Volume: 43 Number: 2 (Spring, 1978)

Article Title: Bodo Otto (Dr.), Berks Co., Pennsylvania
Volume: 50 Number: 1 (Winter, 1984)

Periodical: Dupage Co Genealogical Society Review PERSI Code: ILRD

Article Title: Bodo Otto, Inventor
Volume: Number: 61 (Winter, 1986)

Periodical: Atlantic Heritage PERSI Code: NJAH

Article Title: Bodo Otto (Dr.), Rev.War, B. 1709, Ger.; Pennsylvania
Volume: Number: (November, 1994)

Additional articles not listed in PERSI:

Lutheran Historical Conference Essays and Reports
Scheidt, David L. “Bodo Otto: Revolutionary Surgeon and Lutheran,” Vol 7:58-65