DAR Members

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Members

Excerpt from a letter published in the Summer 1995
Dr. Bodo Otto Association Newsletter

To date (1994), thirty-three (33) DAR members have established their descent from Bodo Otto Sr. Of these, twenty-four (24) descend through his son John Augustus, six (6) descend through his son Bodo, Jr. and three (3) descend through his son Frederick. Of these descendants, most were early members and are probably deceased. Recent members all descend through John Augustus.

If you wish to obtain the names and addresses of the recent members, please contact the Office of the Organizing Secretary General, NSDAR at the following street address:

Memorial Continental Hall
1776 D Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20006-5392

Visit the DAR Web Page

Some of the members, as found in DAR books in Clayton Library, Houston, TX.

Through John Augustus’ daughter, Mary, who married Gabriel Hiester Jr.:
13753 Sarah Hiester
13754 Annie M. Hiester
27070 Mary Catherine Hiester

Through daughter Catharine Maria who married Joseph Wood:
6065 Mary Otto McAllister married William Smith

Some of the earlier members, through Bodo Otto Jr.:
6876 Eliza Martin Seymour married Henry Clark Perkins
18099 Eliza Otto married Francis Jay Underhill
63155 Abby C. Otto married Arthur J. Hewitt

Of the recent members who descend through John Augustus the following descend through his youngest son Daniel Hitner Otto. They are:
27388 Elizabeth Leete Otto, an early member
653067 Alelia Otto Mahavier
673792 Margaret Otto Brown
673793 Linda Brown Haslund
673794 Deborah Mahavier Jones
673795 Elizabeth Mahavier Petter

Additional current DAR members descend through John Augustus’ son Dr. John Bodo Otto:
Patricia Otto Godwin – 686935
Connie Otto Barton – 686936 and
Rita Otto Jones – 790038