
Membership in the Bodo Otto Association is open to descendants and interested friends who wish to honor and perpetuate the memory of Dr. Bodo Otto.

The Dr. Bodo Otto Association newsletter is published four times annually for members of the Association.

In even numbered years, the bi-annual meeting / reunion is held at a site associated with Dr. Otto on the weekend following Father’s Day.

Beginning in January 2024, the membership year follows the calendar year of January 1 to December 31.

Yearly dues are as follows:

– $20.00 for an individual
– $30 per household – one physical address with multiple eligible members.

We also offer a Perpetual Membership for $250 – a one-time fee.

To join, please send your name and address along with a check made out to the ‘Dr. Bodo Otto Association‘ to:

Pat Godwin
Dr. Bodo Otto Association

108 Rocky Run Lane

Lillington, NC 27546